Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sports Day

When it comes to sports day, the Japanese don't mess around. There's military stylee marching, brass bands, that thing where people make pictures with different-coloured placards that you can only see from really far away (as above), cheerleading, human pyramids, human bridges, martial arts displays and also sports. Very exciting.

Sports day also means that students get most of the preceeding two weeks off to prepare and teachers get to sit around in the sun supervising activities/craftily snoozing under the cover of sunglasses. Fantastic.

Some take it a little too seriously, though, like that student who visibly wept when his team won the overall prize. That was a strange one alright. That said, it certainly beats the last sports day I was at when I was 14 and I tried hurdles and fell over lots and couldn't actually physically finish the race because I was too shit.

That kind of thing stays with you...

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