Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Okonomiyaki is the shit. That is all.


So, there we were, making our way through some subway station or other in Tokyo when, all of a sudden, we noticed a huge crowd of people taking pictures up ahead. On closer inspection, it became apparent that they were all women and they were taking a picture of this, er, giant ad. I can't claim to know all that much about Arashi (the boy band featured), but my friend assures me that they are very sexy. Which, from this saucy poster, you can, of course, see for yourself.

Maid cafés

Oh man, maid cafés are weird. Basically, the deal is, it's just like a regular café but all of the waitresses are young women dressed in over-the-top maid outfits and they buzz around, chatting and playing boardgames with you. Yup. I'm sure it says something profound about the Japanese psyche etc. etc. but I was more miffed at being charged a tenner for a cup of tea.

Happily, though, it's not just pervy men that go - about a third of customers are ladies. Although, that's still two thirds pervy men... Anyway, since we were in Akihabara, the home of the maid café, we thought we'd check one out.

On a sidenote, our waitress totally kicked our arses at Uno.