Thursday, February 25, 2010


A few hours from Sapporo by train is the town of Furano, which is famous for its wine, apparently. Behold its bountiful vineyards.

Ishiya chocolate factory

Sapporo is also well-known for its secret James Bond villain headquarters, er, I mean chocolate factory. Nommers!

Yuki matsuri

Popped up to Hokkaido a few weeks ago to check out the very cool (pardon the pun - ooh!) snow festival that's thrown every year in Sapporo city. There were plenty of snow and ice structures better than the one above, but I think this pic best illustrates the apparent disregard young Japanese ladies have for even the most punishing cold. All in the name of fashion. A tip of my (well-insulated) cap to them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Office adventures #14

All of my co-workers have just returned to the teachers' room, from a staff meeting (I didn't have to go), with brand new, metal shelves - on wheels. This is definitely a bit strange. Oh wait, no, now I have some. I'm not entirely sure why we're getting them, but there you go.

As amazing as new shelves are, there isn't actually anywhere to fit these new units. Except for under our desks. Where our legs are meant to go. Oh, Japan...

PS I didn't want to take a picture in the middle of the staff room because I can't disable the "camera sound" on my phone (a pervert-deterrant feature, presumably *rats*), so just use your imagination...